Baleful Polymorph: You initially meet her as a pink frog. Missing Mom: She mentions that her mother died before her father started the bar. Expy: Particularly of Gwen in terms of looks and personality. Bare Your Midriff: At least for the Spring-Summer outfits. Justified, as she's 16, and not technically adult yet in most cultures. Woman Child: Behaves like this in her rival cutscenes with Gill, even if she flat-out denies being immature. Sibling Yin-Yang: She's the outgoing and brash counterpart to Candace's shyness. In Animal Parade, despite her age not being changed, she was made taller. In Tree of Tranquility, she was so short she looked like she was the same age as the other children on the island. Plot-Relevant Age-Up: Moreso a Reboot Relevant Height Increase. Older Than They Look: In Tree Of Tranquility she was kind of short, but still available as a marriage candidate. Girlish Pigtails: Lest we forget a single aspect of her appearance. Elegant Gothic Lolita: She dresses like this from time to time. Dub Name Change: She is named "Ruumi" in Japan. Berserk Button: Do NOT suggest that she's immature in any way. Little Sister Instinct: She does NOT want Julius talking to Candace, due to how he treated Candace when they were kids. Unlike her older sibling, Luna is outgoing-and even a little rude! She looks very young, but don't believe that for a second. Sibling Yin-Yang: She's very quiet and shy, while her sister, Luna, is outgoing to the point of bluntness. Raised by Grandparents: Her parents died, so she only has Luna and Shelly. Opposites Attract: Julius is much more open than her. I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me. Dub Name Change: She is named "Kotomi" in Japan. Curtains Match the Windows: Blue eyes, blue hair. You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Well, it's more teal, but in terms of strangeness it's all the same.ĬandaceA very shy girl who works in the tailor shop. Wrench Wench: She spends much of her time tinkering with something. Expy: She's oddly similar to Flora from AWL/ DS, both in working with an archaeologist, some clothing, and being a Meganekko. Dub Name Change: She is named "Pat" in Japan. PhoebeAn inventor, she hangs around with Calvin a lot and helps him. She also frequently comments on the different culture, and some of the festivals seem lost on her. Fish out of Water: Being from a tropical climate, she hates the cold seasons. Fiery Redhead: Especially prominent in her rival cutscenes with Luke. Exposed to the Elements: Her winter outfit is basically nothing but a different color Belly Dancer outfit. Dub Name Change: She is named "Sheila" in Japan. Defrosting Ice Queen: Seems like an Alpha Bitch at first but becomes noticeably nicer as you befriend her. Attention Whore: She admits it herself, really. Harvest moon tree of tranquility animals skin#
Her in-game model has more or less the same skin tone as everyone else, with slightly darker shading.
Ambiguously Brown: At least, her art is. SelenaA native from Toucan Island who dreams of leaving home and working as a dancer. Pink Means Feminine: Her Fall/Winter outfit. Happily Married: If she marries Toby, they're never seen fighting in their rival cutscenes or after. Friend to All Living Things: She does berate her parents for not taking care of the animals "properly". Expy: Of (young) Ellen from previous games. Dub Name Change: She is named "Lina" in Japan. Curtains Match the Window: Brown eyes and brown hair. She's easygoing and spends her spare time fishing. ReneeA young woman who works at her parents' ranch. Trademark Favorite Food: She likes anything that's cooked, but especially snacks (pies, cakes etc.). Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: The Energetic Girl to Chase's Savvy Guy. Lethal Chef: Despite this, she has her own cooking show, if only out of the "Those who cannot do." school of thought. Dub Name Change: She's called "Mai" in Japan. The Cutie: Not surprising, given what her parents are like. Big Eater: Given how much she likes to talk about food. Loves fine cuisine, but couldn't make it herself if her life depended on it. Yamato Nadeshiko: Gentle, graceful, flower motifs, yep. Rapunzel Hair: Goes lower than her waist. Onee-sama: Her brother Taylor thinks very highly of her. There, her name is Anise, and her brother's name is Thyme. Floral Theme Naming: Only in the Japanese version. Dub Name Change: She is known as "Anise" in Japan. Can't Hold Her Liquor: More mild than most, but the reason she gives for not liking cocktails is that they give her awful headaches. Beauty Mark: Near the outside corner of her left eye. She is interested in medicine and healing. AnissaA gentle, graceful young woman who lives on her parents' farm, which is where she's usually found.